
The Media API provides photos and videos for Sygic Travel Places.

Place thumbnails & main media

Basic place-thumbnail URLs are included in the /places/list response using the thumbnail_urlproperty. The photo has a fixed size of 150x150 pixels and can be used for small thumnails in the user interface.

When displaying a larger thumbnail or a cover photo, the main media from the place' details should be used. Main media are included in the /places/{id} response under the main_media property. The main media object can contain multiple media suitable for different aspect ratios. The aspect ratio suitability information is stored in the usage object specifying the most suitable media ID for square, portrait, landscape, and video_preview fromats.

Get place gallery

Many places have more media than just cover photos or videos. The Media API provides access to the complete media gallery.

Let's fetch the media gallery for the Eiffel Tower:


You will get a list of photos and videos together with the related metadata. To display a photo or a video, take the url_template property and replace the {size} wildcard with the dimensions you need. For 800x600px dimensions the URL will be as follows:


When displaying main media or a gallery, an attribution must be icluded on the same page where the photo is displayed. The attribution information is wrapped in the media response under the attributon object. Detailed instrucions on how to display attributions properly are available in our full API Specification.

For the Eiffel Tower photo used above the attributonobject contains the following data:

    "title": "The Eiffel Tower, Paris",
    "title_url": "",
    "author": "Kuldip Patel",
    "author_url": "",
    "license": "CC BY 3.0",
    "license_url": "",
    "other": null

The attribution then should be displayed as follows:

The Eiffel Tower, Paris by Kuldip Patel // CC BY 3.0