“Working online, travelling and blogging are endeavors that I enjoy and thus I’m very happy not to have the ‘classic’ job. To me, TravelGeekery feels like a child of mine and a little startup in one.”
Interview with world traveler Veronika from the Czech Republic by Sygic Travel
How would you describe yourself in 5 sentences?
I’m a dreamer who’s infinitely curious about the world and I’m en route to explore every corner of it. I’m fascinated by other cultures and love learning about them. I speak several languages and am always happy to practice them abroad. I enjoy trying to blend in with locals when I travel and to see what it’s like in their everyday lives. I love to travel but I also love my home in Prague. With a full-time job in online marketing, which is location independent, I don’t have to limit my travels to 20 vacation days as is common in my country.
What was the moment you decided to become a traveler?
I think the turning point was when I studied abroad in Finland. It was a study exchange through the Erasmus program that lasted only one semester, but it completely changed my perspective on future. Instead of returning to Prague, keeping my awesome side job, and just finishing studies, I decided to go study even further in China! That really kick started the travel bug!
What is your greatest personal accomplishment?
Being able to live on my own terms. Working online, travelling and blogging are endeavors that I enjoy and thus I’m very happy not to have the ‘classic’ job. To me, TravelGeekery feels like a child of mine and a little startup in one. I’m quite proud of it :)
What do you love the most about traveling?
The feeling of discovery and connecting to a local culture. Enjoying all the differences from my home country, and basically admiring the wonders of the world…
What is it you don’t like about traveling?
Scams. Taxi drivers are rarely easy anywhere in the world. In touristy places there are always quite a few ‘bad apples’ focusing on ripping off tourists.
What is the most common misconception about being a full time traveler?
That you need a load of money to do it. Most people don’t realize that giving up on comfort can mean paying close to nothing e.g. for accommodation.
What is the most challenging part of full time travel or nomadic life?
Getting things done. I actually prefer having breaks in between travelling when I just stay in Prague and catch up on work. Working on the road is not a problem, but I tend to be able to focus just on short-term goals.
What is the best way to experience a foreign culture?
Blend in and do things like the locals. I like staying in apartments (usually via Airbnb) as that makes me feel like I live in a place. After the usual sightseeing is done, it’s time to find out what locals do in their free time and join them!

What are the five things you can’t travel without?
My phone with a local sim card, camera, passport, travel wallet and a set of headphones. As a travel blogger, I must be able to constantly document places and experiences, write notes and focus when I need.
Which destinations are at the top of your bucket list right now?
Places I haven’t been to yet. Maldives would be great. I’d love to explore more of Africa. Balkan is interesting.. And I still haven’t been to Taiwan, Japan or Portugal! But ask me in a month and the list may be very different! :)
What apps or websites do you use for traveling (maps, itineraries, guides, accommodation, navigation, tours...)?
I use Google Maps all the time. I’ve tried Sygic Travel app for a few trips and loved the functionality to create lists of things to see. Otherwise I swear by Instagram and its Stories function.
If you had an unlimited travel budget for 24 hours, what would your itinerary look like?
I guess I would do some expensive adventure things, like flying in a helicopter above a unique sight. Like above the Underwater Waterfall in Mauritius, which I didn’t manage to see from above. I’d also go on safari in Africa, that’s been on my bucket list for quite a while!
If you should decide today, which country would you pick for retirement?
Thailand. It’s easy, relaxed, and warm.
What is the most overrated country or location you’ve been to?
Bruges. I mean it’s nice but the crowds totally dominate it. I liked Ghent much more. I even wrote about it.
What is the most underestimated country or location you’ve been to?
Albania. It’s a country I visited for the first time earlier this year and I was awestruck. The beauty of the rugged mountains, which are quite hard to access, the picturesque towns, the crystal clear sea, and above all - the friendly people. I’d love to go back before everyone discovers it :)