Navigazione GPS commerciale che migliora l'efficienza e la sicurezza della flotta
Una soluzione basata su app che incrementa la sicurezza dei conducenti
Mappatura avanzata e Soluzioni connected car per l'industria automobilistica
Librerie con mappe, pianificazione del percorso, navigazione e ricerca
05. 05. 2017 · Business,Developers
Custom markers Slowly getting there. Launch of Sygic Maps & Navigation SDK is right around the corner and we would like to introduce you…
28. 04. 2017 · Business,Developers
Part of our upcoming Mobile SDK is also Routing & guidance in iOS or Android apps. Car & Pedestrian routing When it comes to car…
27. 04. 2017 · Business,Developers
Sygic Directions API is cloud based service that calculates directions from one location to another. The simplest calculation can be done just…
20. 04. 2017 · Business,Developers
Today we are going to take a look at another great thing about upcoming Sygic Mobile SDK and it is called Full text Autocomplete Search. Full…
19. 04. 2017 · Business,Developers
As the day of launching Sygic online Maps API is approaching, take a look at a little sneak peek of what is coming up and what is worth not to…
18. 04. 2017 · Business,Developers
As the day of launching Sygic Mobile SDK is aproaching, take a look at a little sneak peek of what is coming up and what is worth not to miss.…
12. 04. 2017 · Business
Sygic has partnered up with InSight Mobile Data, Inc. to provide 3D GPS navigation with truck routing directly into the StreetEagle software…
12. 04. 2017 · Business,Developers
Online map with map control in 5 minutes The simplest implementation of Maps will not take you more than 5 minutes using Sygic JavaScript Map…
20. 03. 2017 · Business
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Driving a huge truck, which weighs several tons is something we shouldn’t call “an easy job”. As one driver descr…
14. 03. 2017 · Business
Sygic’s dedicated team of project managers actively assist our clients during and after the process of integrating Sygic Professional N…
23. 02. 2017 · Business
Do not miss a chance to meet members of our dedicated team and try our latest products! Find the schedule of events where you can meet us in the…
15. 02. 2017 · Business,Apps
Our customer, Jay, works for a family construction business specializing in building roads, general earthworks and service local Government…