Navigazione GPS commerciale che migliora l'efficienza e la sicurezza della flotta
Mappatura avanzata e Soluzioni connected car per l'industria automobilistica
Librerie con mappe, pianificazione del percorso, navigazione e ricerca
La Realtà Virtuale (VR, dall’inglese Virtual Reality) ha fatto passi da gigante in molti settori. Viene utilizzata nell’industria dei vide…
Travel maps for trip planning from the navigation company Sygic are now available in Hungarian. Both the web planner Sygic Maps and the mobile…
Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash We’ve picked 10 most beautiful lakes in Europe – ideal summer destinations if looking for a place to relax and coo…
How would you describe yourself? I am a journalist by profession and an aspiring travel writer. There's nothing special about me, just a normal…
Siamo lieti di annunciare il nostro più importante aggiornamento di sempre. Abbiamo ricostruito da zero il nostro sito web e la nostra app per …
Start exploring Europe right now! Sygic Travel has put together the ultimate bucket list of 100 hidden gems you should not miss visiting. Begin…
I am passionate, ambitious, and adventurous. I like to make sure everyone has a good time, so when planning a trip, I try to keep the activities…
Tel Aviv is Israel's second largest city: modern, youthful and vibrant. Its UNESCO-designated Bauhaus architecture gave the place its nickname…
Archana and I are just a couple trying to live our dreams. Travel is the bond that holds us together and we want to make it a permanent part of…
Step into a fairy tale when you first arrive in Prague, the so-called “City of a thousand spires” in the Czech Republic. Wander down the winding cob…
Have a look at the first steps of these aspiring travelers. Each of them has their own travel style, favourite locations and plans for 2018.…
I’ve been trying to start a blog on and off for the last eight years. At first I thought it would just be a little travel diary for my friends t…