Hangar 14 Solutions needed to embed a very professional navigation and routing feature into their on board solution that will keep directing emergency responders when broadband connectivity is not available. With easy and seamless integration of Sygic Navigation, Hangar 14 Solutions was able to provide a reliable solution at a reasonable cost.
Hangar 14 Solutions, LLC is a public safety information services company located in the USA. The company develops StreetWise CADlink™ software for fire departments.
StreetWise CADlink™ software is an on board solution based on removable touchscreen hardware that feeds emergency responders all the information they need when they are responding to a fire or medical emergency. It helps them better manage the incident, improve safety, get to the incident faster and coordinate their resources better.

Hangar 14 Solutions needed to embed a very professional navigation and routing feature into their StreetWise CADlink™ software to help emergency responders in the event they are not familiar with the location of an incident or are responding to assist another agency where they don’t know the street layouts.
When life is at stake, the reliability of support services used by emergency responders, such as navigation, is crucial. The problem was that most of the available systems were depending on constant internet connectivity, which once lost, became unreliable.
In addition, the U.S. was coming out of a difficult economic period that has reduced the funding available to all kinds of government services, including fire and emergency services. Fire departments are now expected to do more with less, so Hangar 14 Solutions needed to create a cost effective solution.
How Sygic helped
When Hangar 14 Solutions was looking for reliable navigation to embed into StreetWise CADlink™ software, Phil turned to Sygic. He found that Sygic offers offline navigation that is very easy to integrate, thanks to powerful Sygic SDK and wide hardware compatibility. Sygic Navigation quickly became one of the favorite features of StreetWise CADlink™ software and provided an added value that helped to sell Hangar 14 Solutions’ product.
Thanks to the way Hangar 14 Solutions design their software, and its partnership with Sygic, Phil and his team were able to provide very advanced software at a cost that is reasonable and very competitive, even for small fire departments.
The future
Hangar 14 Solutions has now more than 75 fire departments around U.S. using their solution, and their goal is to double this number in 2014. This challenge also raises Phil`s expectations towards Sygic as a Hangar 14 Solutions partner:
“We expect Sygic to continue the good customer service we have had in the past, and to continue to find ways to improve the product, develop new features and bring additional value to our product.“
Phil Kouwe, President and CEO of Hangar 14 Solutions, LLC was a firefighter for 30 years. He soon realized that advanced technology support systems could make a real difference when helping people in need and wanted to make it accessible to both large and small fire departments. “As we see thousands of calls coming across the system every day, I take pleasure in knowing that, on many of those calls, Streetwise is making a difference. It is satisfying to know that we’re helping emergency responders do their job faster and better.”
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