It’s no secret that technology is evolving at a rapid rate. However, safety concerns continue to be a relevant topic regardless of how much progress we make. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has set an ambitious goal of halving the global number of deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes by 2030. In this article, we’ll present a few of the less-known features focused on enhancing driver safety.

The impact of navigation systems on traffic safety is rather clear. The statistics show that lease car drivers who are not using a navigation system claim damages more often and have a higher damage cost per kilometre driven than drivers who use GPS.
Sygic Professional Navigation guarantees a safe driving experience in multiple ways – with features such as voice instructions, sharp curves warnings, line assists warnings or speeding.
“Sharp curve warnings” is a feature that detects the angle of sharpness of a curve based on its radius and the kinetic energy of the vehicle. This functionality educates the driver and helps them adjusts their driving style.
You can also set up voice notifications to alert you before approaching a sharp curve. Activating these warnings usually leads to reducing speed in more demanding road segments.
Sygic’s unique algorithm can suggest routes that avoid time-consuming and dangerous left turns at intersections.
Left-turn restrictions are generally applicable to multi-lane two-way streets and can prove valuable on two-way streets with one lane per direction with very high transit volumes. They can reduce the number of pedestrian injuries and the frequency of transit-involved motor vehicle crashes.
The benefits of leveraging these settings are hard to ignore.

You can read more about Sygic Professional Navigation safety features here. If you wish to discuss your safety needs, please contact our sales team.