A few questions for travelers Alesha & Jarryd (NOMADasaurus) from trip and holiday planner Sygic Travel
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Adventurous. Fun. Nomadic. Passionate. Curious.
What was the moment you decided to become a travelers?
There was no exact moment for us, and we both started travelling solo before we met each other. But somewhere along the line we both realised that we love this nomadic lifestyle, and decided to pursue it for as long as possible. When we met we realised we had the same dream, and 9 years later we’re still here together.
What is your greatest personal accomplishment?
Creating a lifestyle that we choose, and not conforming to the rat race.
What do you love the most about traveling?
Learning about new cultures and discovering new places.
What is it you don’t like about traveling?
Lack of community.
What is the most common misconception about being a full time traveler?
That it’s all sunsets and cocktails by the beach. In reality we spend a lot of our time sitting on planes, buses, trains, taxis, boats, etc, are constantly figuring out travel logistics such as visas, transport and accommodation, and doing mundane things like laundry. Still, we wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
What is the most challenging part of full time travel or nomadic life?
Trying to not get burnt out. Full-time travel really does wear you down, and it’s easy to become jaded with things because you quite literally see and do something new and exciting every other day. “Oh, it’s just another temple. No I can’t be bothered visiting that church.” We call it one of the curses of long term travel.
What is the best way to experience a foreign culture?
Travel slow and immerse yourself in it.
What are the five things you can’t travel without?
Passport, cameras, a good rain jacket, debit card, hiking boots.
Which destinations are at the top of your bucket list right now?
Seeing as we ticked off our number one bucket list destination earlier this year (Antarctica), now we want to visit the Arctic and anywhere in Africa.
What apps or websites do you use for traveling (maps, itineraries, guides, accommodation, navigation, tours...)?
Google Translate, Maps.me, XE Currency Converter, Uber, Google Flights, Whatsapp, AirBnB, Booking.com.
If you had an unlimited travel budget for 24 hours, what would your itinerary look like?
Scuba diving, surfing, kite boarding, wake boarding and lots of drinking somewhere like the Maldives.
If you should decide today, which country would you pick for retirement?
Perhaps Spain?
What is the most overrated country or location you’ve been to?
To be honest we didn’t think Buenos Aires was as special as all our friends made it out to be.
What is the most underestimated country or location you’ve been to?
Follow Alesha & Jarryd: NOMADasaurus / @nomadasaurus