We are living in the Waze times. Community sourced real-time data are helping us to find better ways to get through the crosstown traffic and avoid speeding tickets always on time and on the spot.
When real-time traffic data aren’t enough
When it comes to delivery companies, it is not only about delivering on time, but also reliable requirements are crucial if they want to gain a customer. According to the survey of 800 recipients in the UK realized by Honeywell, almost all consumers (99%) expected delivery to arrive within one week of ordering. More than half of adults expect the estimated time of delivery (ETA) to be precise within three hours or less.
When planning logistics operations a day ahead or even a week ahead, a different set of more sophisticated data is needed. In order to plan fleet operations with a goal to minimize transportation costs and optimize routes, fleet managers and operators work with so-called Speed Profiles, which use historical data.

Speed profiles data are embedded in the maps and offer statistically valid average speed information for each segment of the road at different times of the day and different day of the week. This data helps logistics operators and fleets make accurately predict when the driver will reach the destination. With precise ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) an optimization of routes and itineraries ahead and on the specific time window starts to make sense.
What makes our speed profiles different?
First of all, Sygic Professional Navigation, as probably the only offline mobile app worldwide, has speed profiles in its navigation and use them as an essential part of routing.
Sygic calculates how many drivers reach their final destinations and in what time in comparison with the time which was estimated. Thanks to using speed profiles in Sygic Professional Navigation, the chart below is narrow, meaning – great majority of drivers reach their destination with 20% variation.

There are many drivers out there that have different styles of driving, whether it is slow or fast. And because we take into consideration some time cushion of things which can go wrong, our time of arrival (ETA) is estimated 10% later than in usual navigations. Statistically, 75% of drivers reach their destination sooner than our ETA estimated, or on time.
Another advantage of speed profiles is that it always finds a route which is the most convenient in a particular period of day. It is calculated from offline data, so it perfectly works even the driver does not have a cellular data in roaming.