Sygic has announced another feature boost in their GPS Navigation. The most expected is a satellite map, free for all users. Premium Real View Navigation feature in augmented reality now works with a new user experience, and Sygic's neuron network can detect another traffic sign via a smartphone camera.
It has already been a common practice for the developer of popular GPS Navigation to hit the market with an innovative function or solution several times per year. Especially after Sygic applied a subscription model, the paid package of features is still growing. The latest update is a reaction to the voice of users.
"Satellite maps are one of the most desired features we've been approached by our testing community in the long term. That's why we decided to make it a Black Friday gift available to all our users. Geeks also demand new tech features that are not common in the navigation world, which gives us an excellent reason to be focused on their continuous development with high-quality feedback. Traffic Sign Recognition based on AI is now even smarter, and Real View navigation in AR has been completely developed into a next-generation UX/ UI, "says Lukas Dermek, Head of Product.
A satellite map is a standard and proven navigation feature, helping drivers to get familiar with the target address in the natural environment. Sygic users can use it with just one tap on the icon in the navigation map. Thanks to cooperation with Google, online sat maps in Sygic GPS Navigation enable users to search, zoom and browse in the satellite view.

Traffic Sign recognition was launched just a year ago with the ability to detect speed limits from traffic signs and LED screens. From that time, the Sygic team trained an AI behind this camera-based feature to recognize the No overtaking sign. Sign recognition belongs to SmartCam features and is available for Premium+ subscribers.
The next generation of Real View Navigation in augmented reality now uses green floating arrows to help drivers navigate over the live road view from a smartphone's camera. It appears to be very helpful in three-dimensional orientation and belongs to the most popular among Sygic users. It is also a part of SmartCam within the Premium+ subscription features.
New Sygic users can now subscribe to the Premium+ package with a special Black Friday discount of 32% (16,99€) a year, with a 7-days trial.