Navegação GPS comercial que melhora a eficiência e segurança da frota
Mapeamento avançado e soluções de conectividade automóvel para a indústria automóvel
Bibliotecas com mapas, roteamento, navegação e busca por localização
Case Studies
Logisat offers a fleet management solution designed for commercial vehicle fleets including a mobile application for drivers to view plans,…
In the vast landscape of mobile apps, some have managed to transcend their functional purpose and become love brands, cultivating deep emotional…
Hey there! Are you an IT company looking to gain a competitive edge in the transportation industry? Well, I've got something that might just be…
The future of electric trucks is looking bright as more and more companies are investing in creating trucks and vans solely powered by…
See how AddSecure's fleet and transport management system and Sygic's Professional Navigation enhance transport operations, uncover the…
As a fleet manager, you need to know what's happening on the road. That's why we're excited to introduce Trip Alerts, the newest feature of…
Sygic Mobile Telematics is the ultimate solution for businesses looking to improve driver safety, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the curve in…
Managing a fleet can be a tough job, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding one. Many responsibilities come with the territory,…
It's not easy being a delivery man (or a woman), we can assume. Can you imagine what it's like? Especially around the Holiday Season? Or after…
Sygic Professional Navigation avoids discrepancies between planned and traveled kilometers/miles thanks to its Guided Routes feature. This…
Business,Case Studies
When you picture a firefighter, what image pops into your head? Of one holding a hose, battling a raging fire, or of one grabbing an axe while…
The worldwide long-haul industry is currently experiencing a significant shortage of truck drivers. In Europe, up to 425,000 truck driver…