She loves about traveling almost everything: the excitement of seeing new things, experiencing new cultures, trying local food… Trip and holiday planner Sygic Travel asked traveler Anna a few questions…
How would you describe yourself in 5 sentences?
My name is Anna and my favorite thing is to go where I've never been to. Last year I've started a blog to share my life story and to connect with likeminded people from across the globe. My dream is to see the world or at least to try...
What was the moment you decided to become a traveler?
The moment my parents took me on my first international trip. It was skiing in Poland and I was 9 years old. Back then I though that our world was too big to stay home. Traveling as much as possible was my dream ever since.
What is your greatest personal accomplishment?
I'd like to believe it's yet to come. For me life is all about personal growth and traveling has been a huge part of this process so far. Every destination, country and culture transforms me. Who knows what my greatest accomplishment could be one day?
What do you love the most about traveling?
Almost everything: the excitement of seeing new things, experiencing new cultures, trying local foods, meeting interesting people and making friends all over. For me, traveling is the most eye opening and transformative experience ever. And I love the way all the places I've seen so far have enriched my life and somehow changed me and turned me into a better person.
What is it you don’t like about traveling?
Time you waste on waiting (like those 2-3 hours before you take a plane or stand in line to buy tickets).
What is the most common misconception about being a full time traveler?
People think it is far from reality and hard to achieve. It all depends on how much you really want to travel and see the world and whether you're ready to leave your comfort zone.
What is the most challenging part of full time travel or nomadic life?
Leaving. You get attached to people and places you visit. It's like you leave a piece of your heart everywhere and you'll never be completely at home again, no matter where you settle down.
What is the best way to experience a foreign culture?
To make local friends and to visit places off the beaten path.
What are the five things you can’t travel without?
Camera, headphones & music list, a good book, universal plug converter, comfortable shoes.
Which destinations are at the top of your bucket list right now?
Alaska and Tibet.
If you had an unlimited travel budget for 24 hours, what would your itinerary look like?
I would go to one of the places from my bucket list. Probably to Tibet.
If you should decide today, which country would you pick for retirement?
What is the most overrated country or location you’ve been to?
The Hollywood Walk of Fame.
What is the most underestimated country or location you’ve been to?
St. Petersburg and Russia.
Follow Anna @at_lifestyle_crossroads / At Lifestyle Crossroads