Reward Safe Drivers with Your Customized Car Insurance App

Engage with low-risk drivers, gather better data, and boost customer loyalty with our white-labeled car insurance app. Make the roads safer while strengthening your brand.

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Complete white-label telematics platform for car insurance


Reduce Claim Costs

Motivate users to drive responsibly, minimizing insurance claims and associated costs.


Boost Engagement

Utilize engaging game mechanics to market and sell insurance products effectively.


Uncover Valuable Insights

Collect and analyze comprehensive driver data to identify behavioral trends and make informed decisions.

Encourage drivers to improve with real-time feedback

Evaluate driving behavior through the app and inform the users about how they are doing. Show them their score and, what's more, educate them on how to improve. The app provides real-time feedback about events such as acceleration, speeding, braking, or cornering. It also offers a detailed overview of the trip after it has ended.

Clients have been able to see a 28% decrease in the number of risky driving events in just 30 days.

Recognize and Mitigate Distracted Driving Risks

Lower the risk of accidents caused by distracted driving by identifying phone interactions and motivating drivers to prioritize road safety.

Drivers' phone interactions, including texting and calling, decreased by more than 50% with app usage over time.

Reach customers with gamification and rewards

Establish a dynamic communication channel with your users, offering monetary and non-monetary incentives, badges, prizes, and unique challenges that promote safe driving.

Leverage Sygic's decade-long experience in gamification to maximize engagement.

Make Informed, Data-Driven Decisions

Gain valuable insights into driver behavior through our comprehensive admin portal. Uncover trends, investigate claims, and make informed decisions based on robust data analysis.

Why Choose Sygic's Insurance Solution?


Fully Customizable Solution

Tailor the app, driver scoring model, and reward system to align with your specific requirements.


Easy to Roll Out

Our out-of-the-box solution includes the mobile app, trip and score evaluation server, and admin portal for easy deployment.


Enhanced Customer Retention

Build lasting relationships with your customers through personalized experiences and rewards. Keep drivers engaged, lower churn rates, and secure long-term loyalty.

Download Driver Scoring White Paper

and learn about the benefits of app-based telemetry

Let's Start a Conversation!

Fill out the form to see how easy it is to roll out your own car insurance app or embed our solution into your existing app.

Engage customers, gather insights, and promote road safety for all.