Sygic Travel Maps
Powerful trip planning, detailed maps and worldwide travel
guides in a single app.
Plan your trip, day-by-day
Create an itinerary for your entire trip. Easily add hotels, things to do, transfers or notes. Sygic Travel Maps will automatically display your itinerary on the map and show you how demanding each day is going to be.
Get inspired by travel guides
Travel guides are available for over 10 000 locations, covering all major destinations all over the world. Simply swipe through the ready-made collections of top places and instantly find what to see or do. Save favorites for later or add them directly to your itinerary.
Stay on track, even offline
Travel to remote locations or simply save on data roaming fees. Download maps ahead and use the app without any internet connection.
Use Travel Maps on all devices
Create a free Sygic account and seamlessly sync all your data between all your devices and web-based Sygic Maps.
Share your trips
Invite your family and friends to edit your trips so that everyone traveling with you can collaborate on the same itinerary.