I would probably describe myself as a dreamer, and someone who wants to defy the norms a bit by not following the ”traditional way” of living, although I'm far from extreme as well. I think I just always wanted something more than just being okay with a job. I am extremely fortunate to have been born in a part of the world where we can make choices for ourselves, so why stick with what everyone else does. I think I just need a bit of an adventure and the feeling that good things could be waiting just around the next corner. It is crucial to work hard and pursue all opportunities...
An interview with travel blogger Brian. By Sygic Travel. Enjoy!
Do you remember the moment when you decided to start a blog?
Yes, I do. I originally planned to travel for about half a year and wanted to use that opportunity to become a self-taught travel writer/blogger, so I decided to document my trip with a blog written in Danish. Later on, I decided to switch to English and to built up a brand new blog (Travelooneyblog.com), to engage with a wider target group and to practice writing in English. People should read it if they want first-hand travel inspiration and stories from all around Europe. I especially like to feature often overlooked destinations i.e. Wales, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Every place has something unique to offer.
Are you a full-time blogger?
No. So far my blog is only based on my own passion for inspiring others to travel, and no money is gained. But it would naturally be a great opportunity for me if someone was interested in supporting or sponsoring the blog in any way. In recent years I have aimed at becoming a freelance writer specialized in travel inspiration, and I earn my money on selling articles to Danish newspapers and magazines.
Where are you from?
I am from Odense in Denmark, which is located a one and a half hour train ride from Copenhagen. Most people only know our capital, but there are indeed many interesting cities, towns and areas to discover in our little country. One of them is Odense, which is most famous for being the birthplace of the fairytale writer H.C. Andersen. It is a laid-back student city with nearly 180.000 inhabitants and a nice pace of life. There are plenty of things to do, lots of events going on, and the heart of the city is being modernised.
What are the top destinations on your bucket list right now?
I am always trying to discover new corners of Europe and there are always plenty of ideas on my notepad. But naturally, there is also a ton of places I would like to visit outside of Europe. Especially Canada has always topped my to-go list, as it seems to boast breathtaking countryside, friendly people... and great hockey teams. I'm a big hockey fan, so naturally, Canada is the place to go for me.

What is it you like about travelling?
Staying in one place would just be too boring for me and I simply can't understand people who never go travelling. In fact, we are very lucky to be able to travel, and as mentioned earlier I need frequent adventures – no matter if it's a short day trip or a longer journey. Discovering new cities and countries is like a drug for me, and the people you meet along the way make it special.
What is it you don’t like about travelling?
There is not much I don't like about travelling, to be honest. I have rarely been homesick, despite living abroad for longer periods of time, but a tough sacrifice that you make when you travel a lot or live abroad is no longer spending time with old friends and family back home. And the other way around, when you return home, you miss the people you met abroad. It's just the way it is.
What apps or websites do you use for travelling?
I have to admit that I'm not a big geek when it comes to technology and apps, but I do use a few regular ones when it comes to travel planning – like Momondo or Skyscanner for flight tickets and Likealocalguide.com for local tips and tours. I guess I'm from a generation that is trapped between the old school ways and the new technology. The Sygic Travel app definitely looks useful though, and I can't wait to try it out.
If you had an unlimited travel budget for 24 hours, what would your itinerary look like?
Taking for granted that I was already in my destination, I would wake up in Vancouver in Canada. I would start the day off by roller skating in Stanley Park after breakfast, then I would board a whale watching boat to admire some orcas, fit in a helicopter ride to take the city in from above, enjoy a nice dinner with skyline views and finish the night by watching an NHL hockey game.
If you should decide today, which country would you pick for retirement?
Tough one, but probably Spain where my girlfriend is from. I would find an area with a distinctly local feel tough, and not a tourist resort occupied mainly by foreign pensioners. Why Spain? Because of the weather, the culture, the natural beauty and of course, the food.

What is the most overrated country or location you’ve been to?
More often than not I am positively surprised when visiting a new city or country. Maybe it's a matter of a positive outlook on things, maybe I'm easy to impress – or maybe I just travel quite open-minded without huge expectations. Anyway, I have rarely visited a place that would feel overrated. One reason could be that I don't go to over-touristy resort areas, but try to go local instead. I do believe that some cities can be over-hyped though, in the sense that they end up stealing all the attention from the rest of the country. Don't get me wrong, London is an amazing city that I have personally visited several times, but there are also many other great spots to visit in the UK. I think it's best to combine the classics with some exciting alternatives.
What is the most underestimated country or location you’ve been to?
My obvious choice would be Wales, that seems to be a bit overlooked as a part of the UK, and since it is located in a corner of Europe, few travellers come across it. Wales is a spectacularly beautiful country that I have my own personal connection to, as I have lived there for about two years in total. People are very friendly there and I love the ”underdog-feel” that smaller countries have. As for regions, I think the mountainous region of Northern Spain is highly underrated despite its stunning landscapes and atmospheric towns and villages.
Thank you Brian!
Simona from Sygic Travel
Sygic Travel has been helping people plan travel itineraries since 2011. Millions of people all over the world use their web planner as well as their iOS and Android apps.