Did you know that you can upload your travel photos to Sygic Travel to inspire others? We picked the best photos you shared with us in the past few months and we are looking forward to seeing some more this summer!
Vik Church in Iceland by Worathep Chewarojthagoon

Cat in Kasbah in Marocco by Yohann Gimenez

Nature reserve Divoká Šárka in the Czech Republic by Ivana

Street in Chefchaouen in Morocco by Ana Pinto

Church in Iceland by Arnold van Wijk

Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve in California by Sean Faison

Vitra Design Museum in Germany by Mariana LujMari Palugova

How to upload pictures to Sygic Travel?
If you have a photo of a specific place, find the place on the Sygic Travel webpage or in the mobile app. Click on the preview photo of that place and search for the icon with camera (in mobile app) or for the "Upload photo" tab on the webpage. See the guidelines and FAQ for more information on uploading pictures.